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Wed, 06.28.2017

Racist Road Rage Kills Bianca Roberson

*On this date in 2017, a white man near Philadelphia, PA, murdered a Black teenager.

Bianca Nikol Roberson, 18, died on Route 100 in West Goshen Township, where she was shot.  Authorities say Roberson and a white pickup truck driver were trying to merge in the same lane before the incident turned deadly.  The D.A. Tom Hogan said, “The man in the red pickup truck pulled out a gun and shot her in the head, killing her."   

Highway cameras revealed Roberson and the pickup driver had an altercation minutes before the pickup spun out of control. A second photo shows the red pickup fleeing the scene on Route 202 moments after the crash before exiting onto Paoli Pike.

West Goshen Police Chief Joe Gleason said, "They were jostling for a position or whatever. And unfortunately, this gentleman took it to a degree that was just unconscionable."  Roberson recently graduated from Bayard Rustin High School in West Chester and was set to attend Jacksonville University in the fall.  It was learned this was just the latest tragedy for Roberson's family. Four years ago, they lost Bianca's older brother. 

In September 2018, white-American David Andrew Desper pled guilty to possessing instruments of crime. This misdemeanor carries a maximum possible sentence of 20 to 40 years in state prison. 

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Your door is shut against my tightened face, And I am sharp as steel with discontent; But I possess the courage and the grace To bear my anger proudly... THE WHITE HOUSE by Claude McKay.
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