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Fri, 10.30.1750

Salem Poor, American Patriot born

Salem Poor (stamp)

This date celebrates the birth of Salem Poor, who was born in 1750 and was a Black patriot during the Revolutionary War.

Salem Poor was a free Negro in Andover, MA. He left his wife to fight in the American Revolution when he went to war. He enlisted under Captain Benjamin Ames in Colonel Fryes' regiment. He fought at Bunker Hill and is credited with shooting down British Lieutenant Colonel James Abercrombie.  His courage and gallantry at the Battle of Bunker Hill caused 14 officers, including Colonel William Prescott, to cite him with heroism and petition the General Court of Massachusetts with the following statement:

“The reward is due to the great and distinguished character. The Subscribers beg to leave to Report to your Honorable. House (Which We do injustice to the Character of so Brave a man) that under Our Own observation, we declare that A Negro Man Called Salem Poor of Col. Fryes Regiment, Capt. Ames. Company in the late Battle of Charleston, behaved like an Experienced Officer, as well as an Excellent Soldier, to Set forth Particulars of his Conduct would be Tedious, We Would Only beg leave to say in the Person of this Negro Centers a Brave & gallant Soldier.”

Records like this from Revolutionary rolls in the Massachusetts Archives at the Statehouse in Boston reflect the remarkable character of blacks such as Salem Poor, who enlisted and re-enlisted according to the orders and remands of General Washington and Lord Dunmore. Accounts show that Salem Poor served at Valley Forge and White Plains.  What became of him is unknown.  Most black lives were sparsely recorded, and their later lives were utterly ignored.
To Have a Military Career


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National Historical Park. National Park Service.
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I ply with all the cunning of my art this little thing, and with consummate care I fashion it-so that when I depart, Those who come after me shall... THE CRAFTSMAN by Marcus B. Christian.
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